Heidi Blankenship used this set to design this fabulous Coffee Gift Basket. What a perfect gift for anyone??

Harmony Classic Circle II 2-5/16" (Blister Pack)
2-5/16" Wood Mount only
Original Price $8.95 Now $4.00
Have Fun Shopping!!
Keep us in mind....."When it needs to be JustRite".Today Michelle Rodgers has a fun 3-D altered frame to share with you!! Isn't her JustRite Flower Sweet!!
Tosha has out done herself with this simply exquite inspiration book. Every page is more stunning than the page before!! What a labor of love!! This project is an absolute must see!!
Next Denise Marzec has this sweet card ensemble to share with you - just wait to see the cool gift box she has designed for this ensemble.
And this sweet "made with love" embellishment.
Cindy Motherway has a great personalized project to share with you today..before you visit her blog try to guess what this sneak peek might be??? You will love this fun project and how she personalized each item and highlighted the event with these fun JustRite embellishments. The perfect way to remember this fun event!!