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Julie Buhler - Birthday Card Box

Donna Baker - Tic Tac Toe

Susan Reidy - Halloween Countdown Calendar

Heidi Blankenship - Monogrammed Purse

Jackie Kelley - 40 Sucks

Congratulations ladies and good luck to you all.
Keep us in mind....."When it needs to be JustRite".

so I seriously love two of the projects. I love the first one, the file folder thing with the months for your cards, and I love the count down to Halloween. Both are amazing!
so I seriously love two of the projects. I love the first one, the file folder thing with the months for your cards, and I love the count down to Halloween. Both are amazing!
Item #4
The 40 Sucks. I like her sense of humor and the sucker pail is too darn cute. Great jobs for each of the artists. It really was hard to pick just one.
My fave is the birthday card box. LOVE it!
I have to vote for Heidi's purse! It is just too WICKED AWESOME!
Julie Buhler's Birthday Card Box is exactly the idea I was looking for so I vote for her.
the birthday card box has my vote!!
One vote for donna's tick-tac toe!
40 sucks is sooo cool
I'm voting for Donna Bakers tic tac toe, so cute!
I have to go with the card folder. It is such a great idea and showcases your projects fabulously.
I love them all! My vote goes to Donna Baker for her amazingly delightful Halloween tic tac toe game! :)
The birthday box!! Great Christmas idea for lotssssssss of people on my list!!
My vote goes to Julie Buhler's birthday card box....though they are all uber cute ideas!!!
Julie Carlisle
I love the 40 sucks one! It's so tacky and classy at the same time!
Julie's file box has my vote! LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea.
Gotta vote for my girl Donna!!!! She always has the most amazingly creative and cute ideas!!!! That Tic Tac Toe is just tooooo fun!!! Of course, all of the creations are wonderfully fabulous!!!!
I like the first one the best! The one by Julie...My second choice is the sucker pail! That is just too cute!
I love Julies box and my second choice is the sucker pail. Everyone did such a great job!! You all are winners
I love all the projects here, but my favourite is the pink purse, its soooooo beautiful! If it needs a home, I have vancancies! Stunning work!
Linda x
My fave is the tictac toe--so clever! I especially like the little tin to keep the playing pieces in!
My vote is hands down for "40 Sucks". It is so funny! I have a father in law's birthday coming up that it will be perfect for!
All entries are just A-mazing but i'm voting for Donna's tic-tac-toe!
Good Luck, Ladies!
Posted my vote! Good luck to all! Great projects!
My Vote is for Donna and her handy tic toe game! What a great idea for a car ride!
Oh such a hard choice, but I really LOVE the Taylor Expression and this card rocks! My vote is for Donna Baker - Tic Tac Toe
They are all very nice entries. But, my vote goes to the 40 sucks! I love the original idea and have already spread the idea to a friend who is attending a 40th b-day party.
Good luck!
The purse that Heidi designed is not just a purse, it is a work of art. The details are gorgeous. It was very hard to choose because all of them are wonderful entries.
Godd luck everyone!
Heidi Blankenship - Monogrammed Purse. cool!!!
My vote is for Julie's great card box. Super cute and useful
i luv all but 40 sucks is great I can relate :)
OMG! They're all so cute! I love them all! Seeing as I am doing the birthday box idea for a gift for my Dad - inspired by Julie....I will have to give her my vote! Good luck to everyone though! It was a tough choice otherwise!
That purse is beautiful! Can't believe I'm the first vote. It's gorgeous (and I don't know the artist, I just thought it was so pretty).
They are all so awesome but I'm going to have to vote for Heidi's purse. It's too awesome! In fact, I would use it to keep markers, pens or pencils in. My daughter has a Hanna Montana purse shaped just like that one and that's what she uses it for.
Wow! This one is a tough one! All the entries are FANTASTIC! I love Julie's card box - but I think I'm going to have to vote for Donna's Tic-Tac-Toe game card. So original and absolutely adorable!
love Julie's box!! gets my vote
I love Donna's tic tac toe game, I vote for that one.
Without a doubt, my favorite is Donna's tic tac toe creative and very clever.
I have to go with the card box. That was my favorite. The "40 Sucks" is a great runner up since I just turned 40 but it hasn't sucked so far for me. Great work!!!
They all are so creative! Yet, I cast my vote for Julie's card file. I have to say I like that one the best!
I love the birthday box by Julie Buhler. It's got my vote for sure!
Julie's card box first and the monogramed purse second.
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