You may have noticed the JustRite Blog has been a little quiet over that last two weeks. Don't worry, it just means we have been very busy behind the scenes working on the 2010 Catalog for our January & February Releases. We will be releasing 2 groups of stamps in January and another group of stamps on Feb 7th. The sneak peeks for the 2 new stamps sets being release on January 1st will begin this Friday evening ( Dec 18th). We can't wait to show you the new sets!!
One of the things we have been working on for our catalog is a
Punch & Die Compatibility Chart .

It's the #1 question we get at JustRite- "What dies or punches do I need to die cut my JustRite stamped images." Finally we have a more comprehensive answer. We are so excited about the chart that we have already uploaded it to the tip section of the JustRite Website. Sorry that the chart is so small here on the blog, don't fret you can find a printable version on the
tip section of our website. We are sure that you will love the information contained in this chart.
When referring to Spellbinders Dies on the chart- we began counting the dies from the center, giving each die a number to use in our reference guide.
The second most frequently asked question is which size Nestabilitie set do I need to purchase the large or small set of Nestabilities? When you review the chart you will see that our design team actually uses both sets depending on which stamper they are using and how much of a border they want around the stamped image. When you combine the the Spellbinders Large Nestabilitie set with the Spellbinders Large Nestabilities sets you can create mat layers with 1/8” increments.
We loved to hear what you think of our new chart. Next on the to do list is a chart for all the scalloped shapes.
Keep us in mind....."When it needs to be JustRite".