Dawn was chosen as a Guest Blogger for many reasons but most importantly because her passion for stamping is apparent and shines through with her fun projects. She definately isn't afraid to try new techniques, loves creative folds for her cards, incorporates non-traditional crafting items into her projects and often uses fun design templates to create gifts for her friends and family. Dawn is also an accomplished video blogger and shares her stamping experience through live step by step tutorials.
**Dawn Griffith Interview**
Where do you live? Pontiac , Michigan
Family? Married for 20 years this Aug 31st . We have 1 daughter Jessica (15 years old )
How long have you been stamping? I have been a Stampin'Up! demo since Oct 2003 and a Licensed Hairdresser since 1985
What does your stamping room look like and will you show us a pic? My stampin room is in the basement of my home. Before I got my stampin room I use to stamp at my kitchen table which was the pits especially the cleaning up part for dinner :-) Click here for 31 pics of my stampin room. There are also before and after photos in there as well.
How long have you been blogging and what do you like most about blogging? I have been Blogging since August 2006. I enjoy sharing my love of Rubber Stamping and meeting new stampin friends.
When you aren't stamping or blogging what do you like to do for fun? Very active in our church and love doing anything & everything with Family & Friends
Would you like to be a guest blogger for JustRite? We are currently looking for a scrapbooker that has incorporated the use of any JustRite product into a layout(s). If you or someone you know has scrapbooking samples leave us a comment here or email Denise Bryant at deniseb@justritestampers.com . The only requirement to be considered for the Scrapbooking Guest Blogger position is that you MUST have a blog and you MUST use JustRite products in the layout.
As always.....we look forward to building a stamping relationship with you!

Congratulations Dawn!!!! I've been waiting to hear what that BIG news was...your canadian friend. Kelly
Congratulations Dawn...You are fabulous..and it is a pleasure to view your talents...this will give us an added look at your wonderful creations!!!!!!!!!
Congratulation Dawn. This couldn't happen to a nicer person. You have so much talent to offer.
Congratulation Dawn - HOW AWESOME! No surprise that JustRite saw your amazing talent-and knew that EVERYONE would appreciate a week of all your FUN STUFF. Can't wait to see what your going to share with us. This kind of news couldn't happen to a BETTER SOUL.....Congrats to YOU! Kadie
Hi Dawn, finally, the BIG NEWS, what fun being a guest blogger. Have a great time. I love your work and I'm sure everybody else will too.
Congrats Dawn! JustRite knew the right person to call with all your creative and inspiring projects. YOU ROCK! Love your old and for sure NEW stamp room.
Oh My Gosh....I can't believe that you were able to get the famous, beautiful and wonderful Dawn Griffith as your guest designer !!! Congratulations to both Just Rite and Dawn....you're going to make a fantastic team and I'm so excited to see your projects Dawn !!!
Congratulations Dawn from Bundaberg Qld Australia. It will be great to see more of your expertise so freely.
Thanks a million
Congratulations! I cannot wait to see your wonderful creations!
smiles, Deena
Congrats Dawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so very happy for you!
Well deserved!!!!
I'm proud to have you as my demonstrator (and friend)!
Congratulations Dawn. I am a big fan of yours and look forward to your videos!
Way to Go Dawn!!! What an honor and boost for you!! I love visiting your blog and I have learned so much from you!!
eh... attractive post :))
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